Decrease the Impact
of Stress on
Your Family Life
Transform Painful Interactions into
Loving Ones
Increase Your
Positive Interactions with Your Child
Enhance Your Child’s Emotional and Social Intelligence
Improve Your
Effectiveness in
Guiding Your Child
One of the most challenging and rewarding roles in life is that of being a parent. While wanting the very best for our children, from time to time, most of us have difficulties in dealing with them. However, researchers have now identified parenting patterns that lead to relationships that succeed, children that achieve, and families that thrive. This is not due to luck or chance. This is due to ability. This is due to emotional, social, and organizational intelligence.
The good news is that these abilities are not fixed. They can be learned. In fact, brain research shows that we can all learn to enhance these skills and abilities. However, rather than trying to learn these skills by trial & error, we can greatly increase our effectiveness as parents with systematic training and coaching.
During this 4-evening course, you will learn:
1. Strategies for dealing with your own thoughts and feelings, which will aid you in being more resourceful during stressful times.
2. Approaches to understanding and influencing others, which will lead to being more effective in dealing with your children.
3. Methods for improving and enhancing the organization of your family, which will contribute to improving the quality of your family life.
This program has improved the lives of other families; it can improve yours as well.